Tuesday, August 17, 2010

RE: six, one, half-dozen or the other

Date Aug 01, 2010 - 12:04:29
From Zenith
Subject: RE: six, one, half-dozen or the other

for thee code, i didnt have to write it out, its your name

anyhow, wow thats a lot of crap. :O you started college when i was in first grade lol. and luckily i wont have to borrow. my college is paid for by my grandparents as long as i pretend to be an innocent little normal republican girl for a few more years. and once my college is done i can get away. Also an emo is techincally speaking a form of music, however society has applied sterotypes to it that are rather offensive. an emo person is simply one who listens to emo music and wears darker clothing than most people do. they are usually relatively normal otherwise. however... as you know people are ignorant. so the ignorant person that loves sterotypes (ugh those people need to just DIE) would tell you that an emo is a person who cuts their wrists for pleasure, is continuously depressed, whines about how hopeless their life, talks in a monotone saddened voice, and other things. its really sad that people judge based on these labels of society rather than taking time to really get to know a person. but anyhow, whatever. to fully understand the emo sterotype, look up the emo song on youtube, (which is actually funny, however wrong it is XD) its starts like "dear diary:mood-apathetic...."

Sorry to hear about those walls. Get outside, smell the sunshine. Walk around the stupid house or something. At least you'll get some Vitamin D
Is it terribly hot? I used to have a button on my browsers with your region's weather report. Not sure what happened to it. I closed 3 toolbars. Using AOL and Windows Live toolbars now. I can get more buttons later.

Thanks for pointing me toward sumopaint (sumopaint.com?)
I keep busy studying for a killer GRE score, writing, reading, propping a swollen foot up from my fall of June 10. I have other projects too. Fun never stops.

Anj's laptop just got a nasty virus. Ouch. I'm going to try some old-fashioned piracy on the high seas with my Win XP disk, but after reading the disk labeling, I'm doubting that it might work. I offerred to pay at least a hundred dollars towards her repair/new op system, she hates Vista. I do too. She has a poor concept of money mgmt or budgets, doesn't like numbers...damn. I told her that if she wanted my help, and she has said she did, then she had to pay every bill she has in full this month. Then we can see where she's at. Damn, I'm too broke for this, but I owe her big time. She's a doll.

The dentist was great! She said I was easy to work on. I just said, "I'm a veteran."
She REBUILT my tooth! I got a special credit line, interest free, called Care Credit. I got a line for $500 and the repairs were around $350. Glad I could keep the tooth.

Life doesn't always suck, I just seem to be a lost relative of Job! haha.

2006-EVICTION (new bldg owners didn't like me) I had 12 days and $135 in my bank acct. One man who cared little if he did heavy labor. But he broke crap.

2007-assaulted a sociopathic butthead, went to JAIL, no meds for 3 days, multiple withdrawal syndromes all at once, horrid food, (and I'm not even picky). FEAR and loss. Lost 5 lbs in 5 days. (no guilty verdict).

2008 - abruptly lost my meds nurse, therapist, whole environment at Greater Lakes Mental Healthcare after 9 yrs, due to funding cuts. I was lost. Nobody sems to take Medicare. Found a nurse but she was abusive. I told her exactly where to go. I found a clinic that took anybody and they were happy to take Medicare. BUT only my doctor to prescribe, and he bluntly stated it was out of his field and licensing. I went through heavy withdrawal since one of my meds had street value. I finally got a Psychiatrist. I've sufferred.

2009 - Almost lost my $400/mo housing subsidy due to internal corruption and predjudice at Tacoma Housing Authority. Horribly anxious, depressed and dazed. I can't live without that and I did nothing wrong. I can't help if I seem fine, I can't take stress of work physically oh mentally, need too much sleep to work enough hours... I have learning difficulties. Yeah, I earned crazy honors and graduated college, but it was at a heavy price. (most of my 30's, last years of my real youth). Sleep, study...sleep... School career 1999-2006. Age 31 - 38.

2010 - may be facing $30,000 in student loans, a financial death sentence FOR LIFE. Bye-bye future. Applying for relief for total and permanent disability, but?
June 10, syncope, collapse while unconscious, broke leg, maybe something in my foot. Can't walk without crutches, then with problems. Ok, life sucks for me.

Every year I tell myself that it will be better than the last. Ya think?

Gotta go, hope you don't mind my whining, but I wanted to share all that crap with you. When you go to school, avoid borrowing, then borrow as little as you can! I hope that you can know me better through all this stuff and maybe my crap could teach you something about life in general. Mostly I just had to get it off my chest. I copied and pasted this letter to a Word doc. I never wrote stuff out like that before.

What are you still doing here? Get out of here already! Go outside briefly even if for no reason at all, get some sun or something. Walk to a store? Go see a friend?

Hey, just for educational purposes, what the hell is an "emo?" An outrageously and inappropriately emotional person? A raging lunatic? Clue me in?

I love you lots. Bye for now. - TIFJMB Hint: write the alphabet out and compare each letter I wrote with it...what letters (char's) is each particular coded letter closest to?

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