Tuesday, August 17, 2010

RE: Herr Mandy Axel *** Herz

Date Aug 05, 2010 - 10:44:14
From Zenith
Subject: RE: Herr Mandy Axel *** Herz

i am so thrilled. I have a german tutor. from germany! We chat in both german and english and she gives me like REAL lessons. usually a tutor doesnt end up teaching online and you just end up chatting and whatnot. But she types out like multi page lessons and she even gives me tests and grades them ^^ she actually cares, aww. lol... She is a senior in highschool and so am i! Maybe i can talk her into teaching me slang. Oh got off track. the point of mentioning that was she told me axel was a bad name. something about an armpit? lol. There are several famous people from germany named axel but whatevs. Like Axel Bosse, the singer? Love that guy. Anyway I might switch to Alex/Alexander, but Maximilian is my favorite SOOOO german lol. That would make like 3 times that ive changed my name so far lol.

About the bank account, im about to open one up. Dad is taking me down town to some bank and whatnot. But i have to dress formal to go to work with him cause he works at some lawfirm which means i gotta look like a girl. (it makes me really want to cry. its so cruel. like makeup and a silk shirt and everything D': but i at least got some mens dress pants. yay!) and i have a copy of my birth certificate. and now we are waiting on my social security card cause he lost mine, and then we need a third form of id (like school papers) and THEN we can get me a state issued id and THEN we can go to the bank and get me an account. Lot of damn ass work, stupid bureaucratic system doesnt loveing work how long until the government figures that out?!!

ALSO. since youre soooooo broke, tell me before you buy something. i probably know how to get it free or cheap. Seriously. Music, software, movies, etc. you have enough to worry about without paying for those things too. Dad always taught me to be cheap XD

You might Americanize Axel to Axle? Nah? Get a baby names book in German. The Internet knows... XDD I still really like Andrew. Seriously, if you have a card you might search Amazon.com, books.

If you don't hav a bank acct yet you should. You should also have your own debit card as well. I would have gotten you these things and a small allowance with extra for outstanding behavior, super grades or extra contributions to home such as extra chores like laundry, dishes, etc. You'd be a fair cook by now and most likely richer than me, lol. Both men and women should be competent around the house and kitchen, so I'm not being sexist.

There's only one way to alienate me besides axe murdering: name yourself, *gasp* drumroll *melodrama* after the philistine we both know! XDDD I think I'm safe on that one, though. Thanks for wtf. I can use that! lol. I know, bfd.

sorry but Max sounds like a really nice German Shepherd. There, THAT's German,

lol XDDD Thanks. Oh and someone told me axel isnt a good name in germany. idk, even though theres several famous germans with that name? wtf idk. So i might just go with alex. ahhh cant make up my mind. You can never go wrong with alex or max wherever you live! haha

I voted, posted 2 comments. Girl or boy, you are a very attractive human being, and I don't think that I'm being biased right now. I found an old drivers license of mine, and I nearly fell over, I was drop dead gorgeous and NEVER even thought about it.

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